7 Tips on How to Look And Feel Fresh After Long Flights​

by jiatongma

Nov 01 2022

If you’re a traveler by mind, heart, and soul, you’d know that the joys of traveling come at a cost – long flights. Boarding a plane and getting off of it after several hours can pose a serious challenge for your bones, muscles, joints, and mind.

Long flights can be a nightmare, from air conditioning that feels outlandish on your skin and being in the same set of clothes for hours to suffering from a dearth of space. It’s no wonder people who often board off long flights look like they haven’t slept for days.

However, it doesn’t have to be you!

Today, we’re going to discuss how you can feel and look fresh after bearing with several hours of a tedious & monotonous flight!

Fresh as a lily! 7 life-changing tips to look fresh after long flights

From overnight flights, red-eye flights, and infinitesimal layovers to dragged-out & humdrum flights, flying isn’t everyone’s piece of cake. But you know what’s common in all these stale flights? These flights leave you dry in some places, sticky in some, and virtually & disconcertingly jet-lagged when you finally reach your spot.

Here’s how to travel like a pro and look fresh as a lily when you first land at your destination!

  1. Pack an extra set of clothes for a long flight

If the inevitability of a long-drawn-out flight has bombarded you, it’s best if you pack a supplementary change of clothes for your flight. More so, you need to ensure that your extra clothing and the clothes you are wearing on your flight are highly comfortable.

You can pack an extra pair of underwear, socks, pants, and a shirt. Wearing exercise clothing is another great option – exercise gear is comfortable and doesn’t take up too much bag space, either!

  1. Packing an empty water bottle and hydrating yourself often

Whether you’re traveling on a budget or plan to go fully extravagant on your travels, packing an extra water bottle has its own share of benefits. Having an empty bottle ensures that you can refill it whenever you want and stay hydrated at all times.

The key to freshness is proper hydration – so packing an extra water bottle and hydrating yourself frequently will help you achieve that fresh, glowing look when you land!

In addition to that, there are drinks loaded with vitamins, electrolytes, and antioxidants that do wonders in rejuvenating and rekindling your fiery stance. These drinks even go as far as combatting the much-feared effects of jet lag.

  1. Don’t forget your wipes and hand/face creams!

Thanks to the air conditioning, the atmosphere inside an airplane can be infuriatingly dry. Meaning your skin dries out sooner than expected. When faced with these exasperating circumstances, it’s best if you bring a hand or face cream on your flight – it’s conducive to refreshing and nourishing your skin.

Wipes are another important thing; you don’t want your face to be covered in makeup all flight long. Even if you’ve applied makeup prior to boarding, it’s best if you take it off during your flight. Wipes help tons in circumstances like these.

  1. Keeping deodorants and perfumes

If you want to feel fresh and clean, we suggest packing a deodorant and perfume to ensure that you always smell good. We advise putting on perfume before departing and regularly using deodorant when traveling on long flights. Once you’ve landed, you should put on perfume again to greet all your loved ones smelling like elegance personified.

  1. Make sure you’re sleeping enough

Traveling from one end of the globe to the other is chaperoned by horrid jet lags.

Before boarding your flight, you need to prepare your body for a change in time zones. Sleeping on the flight ensures that you’re fully rejuvenated and your face isn’t painted with gruesome dark circles when you finally land at your destination.

In addition to that, when you’ve finally arrived at your destination that’s enshrouded in a much different time zone, it’s wise to only sleep when it’s dark in the particular time zone. This is an excellent way of combatting the effects of grotesque jet lags.

  1. Don’t forget to pack your toothbrushes

Once you’ve landed at your destination after a dreary flight, brush your teeth when you’re at the airport. Brushing your teeth has always been linked to feeling fresh, and that’s what it will be doing – making you fresh. Also, don’t forget your hairbrushes; you need to keep your hair untangled and look good at the same time!

  1. Move around during the flight

During a long flight, it’s tremendously important to move your body. If you aren’t worried about people killing you with their awkward smiles, laughs, and whispering, you can even do some yoga or dance in the aisle. Otherwise, a simple brisk walk to the washroom would be fine too.

Sitting in the same position for extended amounts of time makes you susceptible to deep vein thrombosis (DVT). DVT is a nasty blood clot in a deep vein that’s usually inside your legs. When you’re constantly moving, the probability of you developing blood clots, muscle soreness, and muscle stiffness plummets exponentially. In the bargain, moving around also boosts your energy levels, making you look fresh when you arrive at your destination!

Super-useful products that you must always carry on flights!

Not having the right items on your flight when you need them can be a pain in the bum! The importance of carrying your essentials on a flight cannot be simply stressed enough.

Here are some super-useful items you shouldn’t EVER forget on your flights!

  • A perfect backpack will help you carry all your essentials in a single go.
  • Passports, visas, travel documents, and IDs – you cannot board a plane without these!
  • Cash & bank cards – you’re going to need them everywhere (nothing comes for free!).
  • Your phone – your phone will help you beat the boredom that comes part & parcel of a long flight.
  • A travel charger/power bank – to keep your phone juiced up!
  • Collapsible water bottles – eliminate the need to purchase disposable plastic bottles, and they can be refilled anytime.
  • Hand lotion – to keep your skin moisturized and supple.
  • Tissues – in case you get a runny nose or just to wipe off the mess.
  • Sanitizers – to steer clear of germs.
  • Wet wipes – to wipe the dirt or oil (if you have oily skin) off your face.
  • Snacks & water – to ensure your stomach doesn’t rumble and you’re always hydrated.
  • A travel pillow – to sleep comfortably on long flights.
  • Deodorants & perfumes – to keep you smelling good at all times.
  • Toothbrushes & toothpaste – to brush your teeth after a nap.

Putting it in a nutshell…

Long flights can be a nightmare, but if you’re well-prepared, you can ace them without even having to think twice.

Think of it like this: at the end of such lifeless flights lies a dreamy world, the sole reason you decided to get on that plane!

You now know how to look your best even after dull flights. So, what are you waiting for? Get on the flight of your dreams now.

And don’t worry; you’ll be fresh when you reach your destination!

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