We’ve all been inspired and wanted to get fit and exercise daily. Usually, people get burnt out because of the sudden physical stress, so it’s important to start right.
Other times, people can stick to it for a while; maybe they join a gym but fall out of habit because they’re too busy or tired.
Life’s tough; it happens. But the trick is to get yourself motivated to start again because there’s no arguing about how necessary exercise is to lead a healthy life.
But after the pandemic, many people had a question; ‘can I exercise after COVID vaccine?’ And the answer is yes, as long as you aren’t suffering from a fever.
But that said, no matter the reason for a break, you should keep a few things in mind before starting to work out after a long break. Here’s a list to get you started.
Build Your Workout Routine
The first and most essential step is to build your routine to suit you and your schedule. You have to commit to taking out time in your day to workout, even if it’s not for too long
Don’t let yourself give excuses, and if you feel too tired later in the day, start waking up early. Making it the first thing you do after you wake up sets the tone for the rest of your week and ensures you feel energized and refreshed.
You don’t have to do a full-blown workout either; you can run around the neighborhood, and the point is to engage in physical activity.
That’s not all; you can also join a gym if it helps. To find one in your area, you must search ‘gym near me’ to get a list of the top ones.
Choosing the right type of workout is crucial because you’ll only be motivated if you enjoy what you’re doing. You can go for something like aerobic exercise or Zumba for something fun.
Choose the Right Workout Clothes
We’ve mentioned that exercising after the COVID vaccine is completely safe unless you’re suffering from side effects like a fever. This is because there’s no danger to your body, but choosing the right workout clothes is important.
It might seem unlikely, but there’s a reason there are specialized brands for sportswear. And while you could certainly work out in something loose like sweats, it’s best to go for a brand like Running Lab.
There are several reasons workout clothes are crucial, but we’ll start with the simplest one; they reduce the risk of injury. Athletic wear tends to be tight because the compression contributes to better circulation, and this means that less lactic acid builds up in the body, so you don’t get tired as easily.
Workout clothes are also better equipped to soak up sweat and reduce heat, preventing the discomfort you’d feel in regular clothes. This is because they’re moisture-wicking, which means the fibers move the sweat to the outer layer of the fabric.
So if you join a gym in Singapore, remember to shop for some suitable clothes. Getting some cute options can be a bribe for yourself to start working out again.
Stretch Your Muscles
This a step that many miss, and it’s crucial that you don’t. It can even be why you don’t work out anymore since skipping the warm-up means you’ll get tired quickly and easily.
Starting to work out without stretching can pull your muscles taut since you’ve jumped into vigorous physical activity without preparing your body.
Warm-up exercises consistently increase your heart rate. This means the amount of oxygen going to your muscles increases because the dilated blood vessels can transport blood more easily.
This means there’s less strain on the heart, and the increased body temperature increases muscle elasticity. Basically, it preps your body for the real workout.
Not stretching would lead to you getting out of breath, and many people give up midway, not knowing that all they had to do was warm up before starting their routine.
And it’s easy to find stretching exercises on Youtube, and you can follow your favorite tutorial before starting your actual routine.
Track Your Fitness Progress
When people quit working out midway, it’s usually because they feel they’re seeing no results. People tend to believe what they see; if there aren’t instant results, they can get demotivated quickly.
But the thing is that getting fit is a gradual process, and you have to believe that you’ll get physical proof of your hard work.
People feel there’s no change in their bodies because it’s minimal. When you look at yourself every day, it’s easy to not notice things.
An example is that you may have heard about how different you look from a friend you met after a while, even though you feel you’re still the same. Working out is the same.
This is why you must track your fitness progress; rather than comparing yourself on Day 1 and 2, you need to compare Day 1 and Day 15. Once you see how positively exercise affects your body, you’ll be more motivated to continue.
One simple way to track your progress is to use an app since you can get automated records of how long and often you’ve worked out. Many even provide graphs so you can vividly see your results.
But apart from that, you should also take pictures of yourself. This is because it lets you see the physical change in you, and it serves as the boost you need to continue exercising.
Take Small Steps to Reach Your Fitness Goals
The last step is the most important; take small steps. You’re human, which means you have habits that take time to change.
It’s not possible for your body to keep up with sudden changes to your diet and physical activity, and setting a large goal only makes you feel bad about seemingly never reaching it. It’s also why people give up so often.
It’s crucial to set small, realistic, and achievable goals that you will keep going. One example is the five-minute rule, where people decide to work out for just five minutes a day.
Many continue for 30 minutes, but don’t miss the five minutes even if you can’t. Consistency leads to a sense of achievement every time you cross out a day you worked out on, and you can start by adding just 30 seconds each day.
You can hire a personal trainer if you still don’t know how to start. It might seem fancy, but it can be as simple as getting a pre-made plan or hiring someone to help you make small changes in your lifestyle.
Finding a personal trainer in Singapore is easy; your local gym probably has people who can help you. Once you have professional help, you can really commit to making a change.
Bauerfeind – To Support Your Fitness Journey
A brand with 13-time NBA All-Star Dirk Nowitzki as an ambassador, Bauerfeind is a tried and trustworthy company with quality products to help you on your fitness journey.
They have items that ensure you have the support you need to work out with greater ease and agility.
The brand’s online store has a comprehensive layout that lets you browse items by body part, including arms, legs, feet, and back. You can choose whichever you have trouble with.
There are three main product lines; support, compression, and sports insoles. All of them are designed to include therapeutic effects for those engaging in sports. They result from physicians, scientists, and specialists collaborating to bring the best.
If you have a passion for sports, you can browse through the catalog, divided by sport, and select a product that supports a new you.

Bauerfeind is Atome’s partner merchant
Bauerfeind has partnered with Atome to offer its customers a convenient way to pay for their purchases. When you shop at the store through Atome, you can split your bill into three parts and pay them over two months instead of a single upfront payment.
Are you excited to learn more about how Atome’s service works? Continue reading to find out!
What is Atome?
Headquartered in Singapore with over 15,000 partnered merchants, Atome offers its users the choice and convenience of flexible payment options for a variety of products and services. The app allows shoppers to split their purchases across flexible interest-free monthly payments by scanning a partner retailer’s in-store QR code or upon website checkout. By splitting their payments, Atome users will be able to better manage their budget while making quality products and services more reachable. If you want to benefit from its payment plans, join the Atome platform by setting up your account through the app (Get the app).

How to pay with Atome
- For in-store purchases, scan the QR code from Atome’s app at checkout.
- If you’re shopping online, choose Atome as your payment partner at checkout.
- Enter your user details and continue.
- Pay one part of your Bauerfeind bill and defer the other two to the following months.
Make the right fitness choices with Atome
We’ve told you all you need to know about getting started on your fitness journey again, and we hope you’ll be able to stick to it this time.
Remember the importance of wearing the right clothes during workouts because they make a difference, and products from Bauerfeind will give you the support you need. If it’s the upfront cost, you’re worried about, partner with Atome for a convenient payment plan.