What is the best face wash for men? One of the basics for youthful, healthy, and clean skin is washing the face every day using the face wash according to your skin type. It is a good habit, and consistency in washing will provide you great results. However, to build this habit, you should include face wash as a part of your daily grooming routine. It ensures cleaning your face and not letting your skin dry. Here we are listing the top 10 face wash for men.
Face wash for men
Every man wants to have cleaner and better skin while staying youthful. There has been an increased surge in men’s skincare products to give them clearer skin and slowing down ageing, providing their skin with more nutrition and hydration.
If your skin is oily, you must consider one of the top 10 face wash for men’s oily skin from the products we are listing in this blog.
Top 10 face wash for men
Men’s skin tends to be tough, oily, evident pores with more facial skin than women’s. Men prefer easy-to-use skincare and facial products that quickly penetrate their skin as they spend less time for personal grooming.
1. Biore Men’s Facial Wash
This face wash for men comes with oil-dissolving agents that help break down and remove dirt and oil from your face. It will make your face cleansing easier, and its creamy and thick foam will help remove facial oil more effectively. Besides, it will give you a matte finish for lasting fresh skin. Biore’sBiore’s face wash comes with menthol ingredient that helps leave you with a refreshed and calm feel.
2. Clinique Face Wash For Men
Clinique has introduced this face wash with skincare keeping one of its priorities and formulated explicitly for men’s tough skin. Men with normal to dry skin can use this face wash discovered by Clinique. It will prepare your skin for comfortable shaving time and leave you fresh while avoiding it too dry or tight. Besides, it cleanses excess oil and impurities from your skin while moisturizing it perfectly. It does not leave your skin stretched or dry and is easy to use.
3. Garnier Men Wasabi Face Wash
This AcnoFight wasabi anti-bacteria brightening face wash is best for teenagers; combining it with salicylic acid will detoxify your face and reduce excess oil. It also reduces the chances of developing pimples, blackheads, and acne build-up with its brightening and cleansing properties. Besides, it will help reduce aging signs, lessening the pores’ visibility and making your skin smooth.
4. Gatsby Facial Wash Perfect Scrub
With Gatsby face wash, you will get smooth skin, removing dirt and oil perfectly with its double power scrub. It will make your skin free from excess sebum to get an oil-free and smooth face. Besides, its tiny scrub beads help penetrate your skin and reduce your skin’s rough surface, acting as a mild exfoliator to help remove your dead skin. Its cooling sensation will leave you with a highly refreshing feeling, giving extra moisture to your skin and making it look healthier.
5. Kiehl’s Facial Fuel Energizing Face Wash
Kiehl’s face wash will re-energize and refresh your skin effectively, softening and preparing your skin for a comfortable and less irritating shave time. This Kiehl’s facial fuel energizing face wash comes with vitamins, invigorating citrus extracts, and caffeine as ingredients, making your skin revitalized. Besides, it helps resist environmental stress effects, like pollution and weather, giving you a healthier and fresh appearance. Men with sensitive or normal to dry skin can use this Kiehl’s face.
6. Lab Series Multi-action Face Wash
This foaming face wash from Lab Series smoothens, cleanses, and refines your skin effectively. Men with normal to dry skin can use this multi-action face from Lab Series. Besides, it will unclog your pores and dissolve excess oil, and helps avoid making your skin dry. The peppermint and chamomile extract will leave you with a refresh and cool feeling.
7. Laneige Homme Oil Control Cleanser
It is a cleanser and scrub that helps cleanse your skin’s surface by removing those stubborn dead skin cells and excess oil. The green cellulose beads in this face wash will deeply penetrate your pores and clean them adequately. It comes with jojoba oil and multi-porous powder that helps moisturize your skin and absorbs oil. Besides, the menthol will give you a refreshing and cool feel.
8. L’Oreal Men Expert Pure and Matte Liquid Face Wash
L’Oreal’s men expert is a pure and matte liquid soap that gives a comfortable cleansing solution. It uses magnetic charcoal will help capture skin impurities, oil, dirt, etc. Besides, it has ginger root extract to help protect your skin from microaggressions, giving you a matte finish instantly. This quick rinsing and easy foaming liquid soap do not irritate or dry your skin. It also has peppermint extract and an eight percent comfort shield active, giving you a greaseless, comfortable, and clean finish.
9. Menscience Daily Face Wash
This face wash from Menscience will help remove impurities from your skin without stripping off its natural conditioner. It will also clear oily residue and grime from deep within your pores. It comes with salicylic and glycolic acid that helps discover your skin’s dirt and make your skin smooth and soft. Besides, it will make your skin revitalized, and maintain its natural moisture.
10. Nivea Liquid Facial Foam
This acne protects product will give you lasting oil control without leaving your skin dry. It comes in liquid form, making it easier to cleanse your pores deeply and absorbing nutrients by the skin effectively. The Sprout Technology makes fluid transform into foam, cleaning the pores perfectly. Besides, it helps fight bacteria, inflammation and prevents acne from occurring on your skin. The Magnolia Barks extract used in this liquid cleanser from Nivea will nourish your skin after every use. It will also protect your skin from excess oiliness for around eight hours.
Let’s know more about the blind barber face wash by The Grooming Den.
Knowing your skin type
Despite the fact that it should be instinctive to go for products that are best suited for individual skin types, we conventionally see a lot of people, especially men, barely possessing the knowledge of skin types, and their skincare practices are counterintuitive to what they should be. It doesn’t take one to be a dermatologist to figure out which skin types are there. Because in terms of skin types, there are four, normal; dry; oily; combination (both dry and oily); and sensitive.
These skin types are subdivided into nine categories, and the name is a giveaway about them; hopefully, you’ll figure out yours too!
Skin type 1: Oily Skin/ Clogged pores/ Severe breakouts all over;
Skin type 2: Oily Skin/ Combination/ Occasional breakouts/ Anti-Aging;
Skin type 3: Oily Skin/ Combination/ Sensitive/ Consistent breakouts;
Skin type 4: Oily Skin/ Combination/ Sensitive/ Occasional breakouts;
Skin type 5: Normal Skin/ Sensitive/ Red/ Anti-Aging;
Skin type 6: Normal Skin/ Anti-Aging;
Skin type 7: Dry Skin/ Tired/ Aging;
Skin type 8: Dry Skin/ Sun-damaged/ Aging;
Skin type 9: Dry Skin/ Sensitive/ Red/ Aging;
Using professional help to figure out your skin type
Knowing your skin type is imperative for maintaining a good and beautiful skin. Delinquency in skin care comes with repercussions such as freckles, acne, skin tags, etc. Most of the time, the simple act of trial and error with different skin products and the changing weather suffices the understanding of your skin type. But many a time, people don’t have the luxury of experimenting with their skin, which is why one shouldn’t shy away from seeking professional help when it comes to skincare.
Most of the time, the sales representative is knowledgeable enough to guide you about the contents of the facewash and, with simple questions, can help deduce your skin type. You could also ask questions from your beautician/barber when you go for your regular face clean-up at a men’s salon. Another great option for a one-stop skin care solution is the Caring Skin Facial Spa in Singapore. But if your skin is progressively deteriorating, it’s best that you visit your dermatologist because, ultimately, only a dermatologist can help diagnose and guide you best according to your skin type.
The alarming signs to keep a look-out for
Most of the time, we tend to forget that not only is skin an entire organ, it’s also the biggest one! And it’s no surprise that negligence about matters of skin reaps the same dire consequences as it would with your general health and well-being. If you have continuous breakouts and acne, to the point that your normal, unaffected skin is indistinguishable, it’s time to see a doctor. Apart from that, any sort of discoloration that seems suspicious, any warty/ lumpy growth, or a nevus/ mole on the skin shouldn’t go unnoticed and unreported. These are all warning signs and could develop into something dangerous, which is why you should not shrug off these findings; you should immediately report to a doctor!
Choosing the best face wash for men
No single skincare product or skincare routine could be branded as the best for all. Because every person has their own unique skin, each having its own needs. Some people have a dry skin, some have an oily skin, and interestingly enough, some have generalized oily skin but have a dry skin on the face!
So, catering to each individual skin type, here are some of the best face washes for men with:
Oily Skin: When it comes to the best face wash for oily skin and the best cleanser for oily skin, it’s none other than the Clean and Clear Face wash and cleanser. But there are other options, such as Clinique Liquid Facial Soap and the Lab Series All-in-one Multi-Action Facewash.
Dry and itchy skin: The best face washes for dry and itchy skin are Kiehl’s Ultra Facial Cleanser, Laneige Moist Cream Cleanser, First Aid Beauty Pure Skin Face Cleanser, and CeraVe Hydrating Facial Cleanser, to name a few.
Sensitive Skin: There isn’t really a single best face wash for the sensitive skin type; there’s a myriad of very good face washes to choose from. Some of these include Pears Pure and Gentle Face wash (ultra-mild), Alexandr-co Serisilk series, Neutrogena Ultra Gentle Daily Cleanser, and Free and Clear Liquid Cleanser, to name a few.
For the philanthropic and altruistic individuals out there, the best place to shop for beauty and skincare products is Kinder Beauty, an organization founded by activists and has only vegan products that are cruelty-free (no animal testing is conducted.)
Using Atome to pay for your skin care products
Those of you who religiously care about your skin would know that skincare doesn’t come cheap. As a matter of fact, due to the expensiveness of these skincare products, most people view this necessity as a luxury. That’s where Atome comes to the rescue!
Atome is a mobile app that was made with the aim of mitigating the financial burden of expensive shopping through a series of three consecutive monthly-installment-free payments. Having its headquarters in Singapore, Atome is currently active in 8 markets (Singapore, Indonesia, Malaysia, Hong Kong, Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam, and Mainland China), establishing deep partnerships with 10,000+ online and physical merchants!
Atome is available on both the operating platforms, android and IOS. If you’re skeptical about using Atome because you’re intrigued to know how it works, click on the hyperlink and find out! To make the shopping experience as rewarding as possible, Atome gives you a 10$ shopping voucher when you shop for the first time! So, what are you waiting for? Get the app now and sign up for free!

Your step-by-step guide of paying through Atome
· First, when you proceed to the checkout after selecting the items you want to purchase, you will be displayed with the options to pay. Amongst those options, select Atome.
· Next, you have to sign in to your Atome account using your log-in credentials.
· In case you don’t have an account on Atome, you could sign up today, completely free!
· And there it is! You’re ready for the purchase. You just have to make an initial payment of 1/3rd of the total amount at the checkout. The remaining amount will be paid in the coming two months in convenient installments.
Men are getting more conscious about getting youthful and healthy skin. We want to give you a few choices of face washes that your face deserves to help you discover the one for your skin type. You can see the benefits of each from the top 10 facewash for men we have introduced above and pick the best one for you.
You can also see skincare products from SGPomades Men’s Grooming and others from our partner stores at https://www.atome.sg/.