The cyber world has become ever-so expanding, with the video gaming sector taking up much of the digital space. The e-gaming industry is bigger than Hollywood and the music industry combined, which is impressive, to say the least. With the frequent arrival of the latest games and the launch of evolving graphics, RTX, frame rates, and highly immersive gameplay, the need to meet the demands of the customers has become a necessity. Especially, if the players are competing in a professional match and need a top-of-the-line gaming PC or a PC setup that is per their specific need, which can be achievable via a custom PC.
Here comes ALLSTARS with the solution to the digital need of the masses. It competes with global standards as well as capturing and enriching Singapore’s cyberspace. With its PC builder Singapore, gaming PC Singapore, custom PC Singapore and the rest of the computer accessories, ALLSTARS provides the best PC and DIYs in the market.
ALLSTARS serves as a rising company that manufactures, assembles, and sells a variety of gadgets and gizmos. The foundations of ALLSTARS were built by an intelligent, passionate, and dedicated team of individuals that presented the customers with PCs and DIY components.
The primary focus has always been the top-notch quality and absolutely worth-the-money products. ALLSTARS excels at its responsive customer care services and prides itself on producing astonishing PC setups, gaming PCs, and all sorts of other assortments of accessories at a very competitive price tag.
Why do people increasingly like to buy computer accessories and assemble computers by themselves?
It has become an upward trend of custom building a PC. Be it work-related or gaming PC, people are increasingly purchasing accessories and hardware components to assemble a PC setup by themselves. ALLSTARS has all the options available for making an ideal custom PC.
The reason for so many customers turning towards their own aforementioned custom-built personal computers. Some of the reasons are as follows:
High worth for money
The price tags on a finished pre-built PC and store-bought gaming PC are ridiculously expensive and cannot be worth such a hefty amount. The pricey pay is due to the cost of assembling, labor, finishing touches, and overall charge for multiple features the customers didn’t even demand.
Companies such as ALLSTARS come into play with their separately sold computer hardware parts. Now, the digital populace can acquire customizable components better suited to their requirements instead of wasting hard-earned money on PC or gaming PC features they don’t use in their work or gameplay. Thus, such a cost-cutting method which is used for purchasing items within their budgets and in accordance with specifications, ends up in more financial savings.
Repair and maintenance
Since the users themselves did all the components installed in the PC, it becomes tremendously less complicated to find the root cause of dysfunction if any problem arises in the PC. Customers can immediately identify the parts and switch them out with newer models or have the specific component fixed by any tech repair center. Meanwhile, the spare parts for pre-built PC are a bit difficult to find.
With ALLSTARS’ responsive customer support, ALLSTARS has become a “five-star” go-to electronic company where it has become much quicker to get repair and maintenance for custom PC Singapore and gaming PC Singapore. They have online tech support for international clients and a hands-on support system in Singapore.
Glow up the PC setup
People buy components and install them by themselves so that they can have an upgradable PC builder at their hand. Technology moves quickly with time, so customers can research and order the most advanced hardware part they can afford to install to achieve desirable PC output. Upgrading a pre-built PC is tedious and difficult if the company hasn’t launched the upgrade themselves because many open market components can be non-compatible with a store-built PC.
Hence the popularity of people moving towards DIY custom PCs.
The differences between installed computers and DIY computers
There is a stark contrast between installed computers and DIY computers. Installed PCs are known as pre-built; they are fully furnished and possess predetermined hardware pieces. Whereas DIY personal computers are commonly referred to as custom PCs, they are entirely self-built machines by the user, with a changeable hardware system.
Technology updates
The evolution of technology surpasses itself time and time again. In order to stay at the top of the game of tech, one needs to have access to the updates required. The problem with installed PCs is that the separate parts are sometimes scarcely available on the market unless the particular PC company launches the upgrade pieces. So, the customer is dependent on the company.
On the other hand, DIY PCs are quick and easy to update. Separately, the components are readily available by ALLSTARS and such electronic companies who manufacture them with the latest tech.
Price wars
Pre-built PCs are relatively cheaper compared to a custom build with exact specifications. The manufacturers are able to acquire hardware parts in bulk quantity hence at a lower price point. They also cut costs by installing low-quality side parts and just focusing on core components.
But the value back and most worth-the-money point goes to custom PCs because the desired parts can be bought and assembled without any assembly charges while getting the best combination of equipment you can purchase.
The order and delivery of various hardware parts for the gaming PC Singapore or global shipment can sometimes take an inordinate amount of time, which can be tiresome, especially if the customer can not wait for a longer duration. Here, the pre-built PC setup takes the point as it is ready to plug and play as soon as it is purchased. Also, there is a lot less hassle with a single tracking order number as compared to custom PC Singapore, gaming PC Singapore multiple tracking orders for numerous components.
Where to buy cost-effective computer accessories? ALLSTARS
Now, the big question arises about where customers should buy their personal computer accessories at the best price in the digital hardware market space. Well, the solution to buying cost-effective computer accessories and parts is Singapore’s very own brand: ALLSTARS.
They have quickly risen in the gaming PC Singapore, custom PC Singapore, and overall PC setup landscape. With their state-of-the-art tech and reasonable pricing, ALLSTARS is the place to build your dream gaming PC.

What else can ALLSTARS do for you?
Well, aside from that, ALLSTARS takes pride in its gaming PCs, custom PCs, and its components, especially in Singapore. They also offer an array of gadgets for smartphones, internet connectivity, cable wires, and portable storage devices such as memory cards, SSDs and USBs.
All customer needs are taken care of, whatever the electronic gizmo requirements.
ALLSTARS is located in Singapore.
- ALLSTARS (High Street Plaza) – 77 High Street, #03-08 High Street Plaza S179433, Singapore, 188504.
- ALLSTARS (Sim Lim Square) – Sim Lim, Singapore, 188504.
Atome and ALLSTARS join hands
Headquartered in Singapore with over 15,000 partnered merchants and available in 8 markets, Atome offers its users the choice and convenience of flexible payment options for a variety of products and services. The app allows shoppers to split their purchases across three interest-free monthly payments by scanning a partner retailer’s in-store QR code or upon website checkout. By splitting their payments, Atome users will be able to better manage their budget while making quality products and services more reachable.

If you’re curious about how Atome works, click on this link, and you’ll find out! To make things even more impressive, Atome gives you a welcome $10 voucher upon your first successful transaction! So, do we need to say more? Get the app now! It is available on iOS as well as Android.
How to pay for your ALLSTARS products using Atome?
The steps are really simple to follow:
- First, you must select all the items you wish to shop for. Add those items to your cart and then proceed to the payment at the checkout;
- Next, choose Atome when the screen shows many payment options;
- After that, you have to sign into your Atome account. Don’t have one? No worries at all; You can create one completely free!
And like magic! You’re ready to pay. One-third of your total bill will be deducted at the checkout. The rest of the bill will be divided into two easy monthly payments, which will be paid in the subsequent months.
ALLSTARS primes itself for delivering quality gaming PCs and extraordinary PC setups. It aids the consumer with high-quality, robust computer hardware so they can assemble and be a PC builder by putting together their own custom personal computer in accordance with their personal preference.